Am I right?

We have a problem with right and left in this country. Not just in partisan politics; but in a much more consequential realm. WALKING. Walking in the United States has become chaotic and stupid. You are in a crowded place, let’s say a big, splashy casino. Nowhere could human beings benefit more from civilized walking than in fabulous Las Vegas. Oodles of bodies are moving in every direction, crammed and jammed, all trying to get somewhere. You find yourself being bumped aside or blocked by idiots walking directly toward you. They who cannot observe, nay comprehend, the simple rule: KEEP TO THE RIGHT. This near foolproof plan allows bodies to travel past one another in relative order. It eliminates the tug of war of who has the right of way. No purse in your ribcage. No plaintive look from a captive in a stroller. No showdowns to see who will move aside or simply trample a stranger because they cannot think outside of their own selfish trajectory. Problem: Five tipsy friends walk along side-by-side hogging all available space, allowing no room for other passing humans. Solution: Carry an 8-foot mirror and simply show them the indisputable reflection of their ignorance. Yeah, no. Just spread the word. Spread it far and wide. Schools used to teach orderly flow. What happened? We can turn this around, people. The wrongheaded can be made right.



